Planetless Ponders: What Do Your Empty Houses Mean?

Whilst no house is ever truly empty as all have signs in and possibly lesser known asteroids, the term is coined when planets and major asteroids are absent of a house, leaving it seeming empty.

Empty Houses
An astrodienst chart

Here, if you were to look to the 1st house (under AC), for example, you can see there is no planets, asteroids or luminaries. This would be a house commonly referred to as an empty house. A house that isn’t empty is like the 12th house (above AC), as you can see two glyphs (for Saturn and Jupiter) in it.

Are empty houses rare?

They’re actually incredibly common, in fact, I’d argue it’s nearing impossible to not have them.

Are empty houses bad?

Empty houses are, in effect, neutral as they mean there is less pull or importance to this area of life for you. However, this doesn’t mean the area of life doesn’t exist altogether as you still have a sign on the house cusp, and thus you still navigate through it in the ways of the sign.

So, what do the empty houses mean?

They mean you feel less importance and personal tie to…

  • First House: Your ego, self, and personal concept of life.
  • Second House: Your possessions, material wealth, and values.
  • Third House: Your communication, work ethic, and learning.
  • Fourth House: Your home, family, and home life.
  • Fifth House: Your self expression, creativity, and sexual relationships.
  • Sixth House: Your daily routine, personal health, and service to others.
  • Seventh House: Your relationships, personal ties to friends, and love life.
  • Eighth House: Your interest in the occult, your sex life, and the resources you share with others.
  • Ninth House: Your further education, your life experiences, and travels.
  • Tenth House: Your public image, your career, and roles in community.
  • Eleventh House: Your communities and teams, your friend groups, and what you want to achieve.
  • Twelfth House: Your hidden personality, what you don’t show to the world, and your secrets.

A house being empty does not necessarily mean you disregard every meaning or interpretation of the house, nor that you are apathetic of it. It can manifest as being an easier thing in your life because it just happens.

What will the sign on an empty house say about me?

Each sign will colour the house differently, giving you different traits in your manifestation of it. As the house is empty, there is no specific thing you are doing or finding in this area of life – e.g. how Sun in 7th may find confidence in relationships – but you still have traits and a vibrancy within the area.

You may find you manifest your empty house…

Aries: In a free-flowing and energetic way. This area of life is easy and doesn’t need overthinking. Others may think you ‘do first, think last’ within this area, but it doesn’t affect you too badly. You may find that you find it a lot easier to get stuck into this area than others around you. Aries in an empty house can show where we are more naive without realising it.

Taurus: In a peaceful and dutiful way. You see it’s beauties and importance, but don’t find you need to put too much energy or worry into it. Whilst you may not find you are super talented in this area, you are not dreadfully awful here. Being a fixed sign, this empty house may maintain a constant and patterned. feel in your life.

Gemini: In a unique and inventive way. You are your own individual in this house, but no trail blazer. Whilst you have your own unique style or traits to this house, they do not cause any problems or achievements within your life. You may find it easier to come up with new ideas in this house than others do. You may know a lot about this area of life without going out your way to.

Cancer: In a loving and empathetic way. This house has an emotional appeal, but it’s not overly important or taking over for you. Whilst you have sympathies that lie here, they are where you find your heart devoted. It may also mean you find it easier to apply your emotions in this house. The Moon looks over this house, giving it a place in your heart despite its emptiness.

Leo: In a vibrant and confident way. This house is of ease to you, and you can navigate it quite brightly. There may be underlying insecurities, but you hide them under the ease of your light. Having Leo in your empty house could also mean you are an individual who shines in this area without being the absolute best, as the Sun shines onto the house.

Virgo: In an analytical and helpful way. You may find it easy to help people in this area of life, but it isn’t something you dedicate yourself to. You can be critical of the beliefs surrounding this area. Whilst you can be helpful in this field, you may not be recognised for it. Others may say you seem organised within this field, but there’s nothing you particularly do to be that way.

Libra: In a thoughtful and peaceful way. This area of life is generally calm for you and others you peace, making it less important as you focus on the other areas that may be more chaotic. You may see the beauty in this area, but not be particularly attracted to it. Libra in an empty house may make you objective towards the ideals you see displayed of it.

Scorpio: In a mysterious and investigative way. This area is one you like to think of and analyse from a distance. You may entertain the thought of it deep in your mind, but never address it. You may also find this is an area of life you feel misunderstood in, as Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, giving this house a negative shadow.

Sagittarius: In an adventuring and spontaneous way. You may like learning and experiencing things in this field, but your heart doesn’t pull you into it. Whilst your experiences with it last, you enjoy them, but the pull is only skin deep. You may find you have more luck in this area that others around you do, as Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter.

Capricorn: In an understood and logical way. You may not feel the need to worry over and plan this area of life out because you already logically know what you want from it. You may feel it is less important to focus on in your overall development as it is already developed. You may be quite successful in this area, but have no particular pull towards it to make you into a star.

Aquarius: In an eccentric and individual way. You’ve got your own way of doing things in this house that others around you may not share or understand, but this has no effect. They neither admire nor insult you for this eccentricity as it isn’t a massive or important part of who you are. This individuality just is, and you accept that in yourself.

Pisces: In a dreamy and intuitive way. Pisces in an empty house may show the area of life you (day) dream about out of curiosity, but don’t experience much in real life. It can also colour the house in an idealistic manner, which can show you are more optimistic of it than others – partly because there is no planetary pull or meaning, making it easier for you to be optimistic.

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An Aquarius Rising writing about western astrology

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