Dominance/Sign Cheat Sheet

Aries Dominance

  • Key Words: Impulsive, Chaotic, Ambitious, Passionate, Headstrong, Naïve
  • Key Phrases: I want to do, I want to go, I want to be
  • Fears: Being taken by the tides of life, not accomplishing or trying things
  • Compatibility: Gemini, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius

Taurus Dominance

  • Key Words: Stubborn, Practical, Stable, Loving, Logical
  • Key Phrases: I will do, I aim to be, I plan to
  • Fears: drastic change, life moving faster than they can
  • Compatibility: Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces

Continue reading Dominance/Sign Cheat Sheet

Aspects to Eros: Desire Linked

Aspects in astrology show us the relationship between different elements of our charts. Some of these are usually positive and harmonious, whilst others can manifest in a more problematic light.

In this article, I’ll be exploring how aspects to Eros form our passions and desires in a part two to my Eros in the Houses post.

Continue reading Aspects to Eros: Desire Linked

Retrogrades: What Is Being Internalised?

Natal retrogrades can be important details often overlooked in a chart. They can tell us why we are more introverted than we originally thought we should be, or why we have a methodical approach compared to more impulsive individuals of our placements.

In this article, I discuss each planet in retrograde. (Can be applied to transits!)

Continue reading Retrogrades: What Is Being Internalised?

Sister House Axis

Sister houses in astrology have corresponding ideas that work in balance to each other.

  • The first house is who I am, the seventh house is who I enjoy.
  • The second house is all my things, the eighth house is all my thoughts.
  • The third house is my study notes and texts, the ninth house is my essay and my scrapbook.
  • The fourth house is what I bring to the family, the tenth house is what I bring to the world.
  • The fifth house is what I bring to myself, the eleventh house is what I bring to my communities.
  • The sixth house is my health and how I serve society, the twelfth house is my worries and how I withdraw from it.

Jupiter and the Sign Souls

I was just thinking about the timeline of the signs, and how Aries is the youngest soul transitioning up to Pisces who is the oldest, and it occurred to me that Jupiter divides the timeline into 3 parts.

For those of you who don’t know, the signs lay out an age timeline. Aries being the new born child, Taurus being the infant, and so on until you get to Pisces being the elder.

There is also a theory that we go through each Sun sign as per the life we are on in our wheel, for example a Gemini has been to Earth 3 times. In this theory, we must learn lessons from each life in each sign to move onto the higher realm.

Continue reading Jupiter and the Sign Souls

Mercury in the Modal Houses

Mercury is a personal fast-moving planet, never drifting more than a sign away from your Sun, which represents a vast array of mental processes and stimulants in our lives.

It can show us our thought process and methodical patterns we take when problem solving or working, as well as our relationships with our friends and siblings. Mercury as a planet is analytical and charismatic.

Continue reading Mercury in the Modal Houses

Aries Uranus To Taurus Uranus: Admit Your Sins

Currently, we are at the transitioning cusp between Aries Uranus and Taurus Uranus. We saw a glimpse of Taurus Uranus earlier this year, before it went retrograde back into the fiery sign of Aries.

This changing period allows us to reflect on what we saw and what we want to see. From violent extremes to growing green pastures, I have hope for Taurus Uranus.

Continue reading Aries Uranus To Taurus Uranus: Admit Your Sins

Cheat Sheet: Easy Placements

When you first learn about a placement, the obvious thing to do is look for descriptions, however these can be extremely unhelpful. Why? No description will ever fully encapsulate a placement. It will focus on one idea of it, or go straight to possible conclusions without explaining why those could be true.

Instead, I prefer to take the ‘anti-description’ route. When I start learning, I look to each part of the placement for its ingredients and build them together myself. In this way, you can see all the possible conclusions a placement may take.

With this in mind, I’ve compiled a cheat sheet of possible ingredients of each aggregate: signs, modalities, elements, planets, houses, and aspects!

Continue reading Cheat Sheet: Easy Placements