Mini Interpretation: Aquarius Sun in the First House

The presence of Sun in the First House puts a firm stamp onto your sense of self, making it important for you to feel proud of yourself and know who you are. You may find that you want to have a ‘brand’ for yourself and a signature you are known for. Because Sun is in Aquarius, it’s likely going to be something others haven’t done yet. This placement wants to be known for rocking flashy hair colours or new catchphrases way before anybody else.

The First House is what is considered a ‘good’ house for the Sun to be in because it aligns naturally to Aries, which is where the Sun is in exaltation. This can help counteract the detriment effect of Aquarius Sun, meaning this person is more likely to love and accept their quirky self faster than other Aquarius counterparts.

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An Aquarius Rising writing about western astrology

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