The Ascending Sign

What is it?

Your Rising, also known as Ascendant, is one of the most personal to you. This is the sign that changes the most, as it will go through all twelve signs within the 24 hours of a day.

Where is it? What does it control?

It marks the beginning of your 1st house, the house of self, and also dictates your chart’s ruling planet. This is different from your dominant planet, as your ruling planet is the one lying behind every aspect of your chart, whereas your dominant planet is the one taking charge of it all. For example, someone with Virgo Rising will have Mercury as their chart ruler as this is the planet which rules Virgo. Mercury signifies communication, work ethic, and speech. Someone with Mercury as their chart ruler may find it easier to explain themselves, or push themselves in work based situations. Obviously, this is not always strictly true as other areas of the chart may affect this. In this example, having Pluto – a planet of renewal and rebirth – in the 10th house – the house of work – may sway the Mercury ruler to be less able to push and stay driven in work based situations.

What does it show within me?

The Rising sign is like a public front. It can be regarded as the more personal version of your Sun sign, but it is in itself unique and important. It is what your friends see in you, it is what you put across within a group. It underpins you at parties, you chatting to your friend, or you answering a question in class.

How does it work with other placements?

It can often work alongside your Sun, or show how you may act in different situations. For example, you usually appear as your Rising, but then will appear like your Venus around your crush. For example, Leo Rising and Capricorn Venus. Leo Rising will usually appear loud, bold, magnetic, but with Capricorn Venus would switch to quiet, polite and a little bit mysterious around your crush. So, the Rising sign can often show your basic set aura or way of being (like the Sun sign).

Can it say something about what I look like?

It can! However, what you look like and your fashion sense also relies on other parts of your chart, namely: planets in the 1st house, venus, house of your venus, dominant sign and dominant planet. Your Rising can, however, depict what type of colours you like to wear, or maybe what kind of look or facial expression you seem to give off.


NOTE: It’s really hard to know when a celebrity was born, so take the famous examples with a pinch of salt, as they are examples of people who are believed to be of that rising, yet may not be.

Aries Rising is bold, impulsive, and a fun lover. The young nature of Aries is seen, and this person always seems to be looking to be positive and exciting. They appear to lead an adventurous life, always laughing with their friends and saying what they think. This person is loud, and somewhat flamboyant. Aries Rising prefers rouges, and dark nature colours, and seem to reflect wanderlust and questioning in their eyes. Famous Aries Risings: Rihanna, Shakira, Heath Ledger, James Dean

Taurus Rising is stubborn, well spoken and fashionable. They seem to like what’s good in life, whether it be food or a fancy new watch. They aren’t particularly extroverted, but will say what they think. Taurus Rising appear very composed, and true to their Earthy nature, somewhat business like. They may come across as being work or career oriented, and as rather intellectual. These people love to love things, true to their Venusian Rising, and will definitely have something in life they are proud of, often of a materialistic value. Famous Taurus Risings: Martin Luther King, Lana Del Rey, Salam Khan, Halle Berry

Gemini Rising is laid-back, sociable, fun. The airy nature of Gemini makes them appear detached and care-free, and whilst they are, they are also children of Mercury and thus house a more calculating side. These people are very chatty and extroverted, and seemingly get along with everyone. They seem very good at holding interesting conversations and including anyone in them. They often wish to talk about unique things, rather than the usual small talk, but are more than willing to do that too. They often have an array of hobbies, all of which they seem very good at, as Gemini Rising can be avid learners. Famous Gemini Risings: Amy Winehouse, Kristen Stewart, Mick Jagger, JK Rowling

Cancer Rising is nurturing, empathetic, and well mannered. They can often seem to put emotions and emotional ties at the forefront of their manner and beliefs. They seem to play a parental role in their friend groups, and always take others under their wing. They are the children in the playground who invite you to play with them if you look alone, or show you around the classroom on your first day. Their understanding of emotions and feelings can often make them well mannered. They try to remain polite and loving, as this is how they want others to be, but aren’t afraid to slide their Rising to one side and unleash their inner Mars side if you upset their friends and family. Famous Cancer Risings: Angelina Jolie, Albert Einstein, the 14th Dalai Lama, Tyra Banks

Leo Rising is bold, extravagant, popular. These are the people you think have it all. They come across as very confident and sure of themselves, and their energy can often rub off on you when you’re around them. They appear as a glowing light in a room, and often like to remain in a happy state. Although, due to their nature, drama can follow them anywhere and try to wreck their positive ambition. Leo Risings may seem to exaggerate a lot, as it is true they are rather dramatic, but this just makes them excellent story tellers. Their attitude and bold ways can often feel magnetic, and cause many to gravitate towards them as they appear to individual and unique. Famous Leo Risings: Marilyn Monroe, Justin Timberlake, Selena Gomez, Freddie Mercury

Virgo Rising is quiet, analytical, observant. Whilst they are not afraid to share an opinion or add to a conversation, they do sometimes prefer to just watch and listen. They seem overly composed and a little mysterious to others, as well as intellectual and calculating. They make it seem as though every moment and word has been planned and practised. Virgo Risings, however, are more ambiverted than their fellow feminine signs as they are Mercury ruled. This makes them good conversationalists, and with their observant nature, they often have interesting and thoughtful comments to make on things. Whilst they don’t feel the need to be the centre of attention, or lead a group discussion, around their friends they are more than happy to let their quiet nature take a step back, and get involved in debates or conversations. Famous Virgo Risings: Madonna, Kurt Cobain, Emma Watson, Jay Z

Libra Rising is charming, flirtatious and a people pleaser. They like to keep a peaceful exterior, and be on good terms with people. Being a Venusian Rising, it can appear to people that they are flirting, or being incredibly charming, when they may not be doing so deliberately. It’s common for people with this placement to enjoy being friendly with many people, and avoid hateful people as this doesn’t keep in with their need for positive surroundings. Libra Risings may be less likely to share an opinion they have that they deem controversial as they like to avoid conflicts, or they are more likely to pad it out with words and phrases that will avoid hurting others. However, these people are likely to talk about making differences and changes in the world, as they are very concerned with peace and well being. Famous Libra Risings: Leonardo DiCaprio, Beyonce, Britney Spears, Harry Styles

Scorpio Rising is mysterious, calculating and deep. They are the people who seem to have a lot on their mind and in their hearts. They care deeply for those in their circles, and whilst they may not let you in fast, once you are in, they become quite protective. Like Cancer Rising, they can often want to bring people under their wing, but the difference being they only do this once they believe they can trust you. They often have profound things to add to conversations, and notice the little things in anything, due to their investigative ways. Scorpio is a sign that may find it harder to trust people, so this Rising may often choose to remain a little distant in groups they are not 100% familiar with. Famous Scorpio Risings: Hillary Clinton, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Robin Williams

Sagittarius Rising is comedic, expansive and bold. They don’t ever seem to have a care in the world, and don’t seem to know restrictions. The chart ruler of these people is Jupiter and it shows in their happy-go-lucky and ambitious ways. They are often the class clown or joker of their friends, but also the one willing to argue and debate. They often have hobbies they know a lot about, and are knowledgeable about worldly and political issues. This can often be a surprise to others, as the comedic positive face turns sharp-tongued and domineering when faced with an argument or debate. Sagittarius Risings are also fine with making fools of themselves and facing embarrassment, as to them these are just more life experiences. These people are bold and adventurous, and this can often draw many to them as their nature is so unique and sometimes hard to understand due to this. Famous Sagittarius Risings: Brad Pitt, Scarlett Johansson, Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Lee

Capricorn Rising is reserved, calculating and orderly. In their Earthy nature, they appear calm and collected, as well as quite businesslike. These people may not always be the leaders of a conversation, as they are not overly extroverted, but they are still present and often add value food for thought to a discussion. They seem to process things very logically, and give advice from an objective place. Again, like their Earthy counterparts, they can see work oriented, but this is due to their ambitious and high-flying nature. This, to some, can make them seem competitive and superior, but Capricorn Risings don’t necessarily feel that themselves. They don’t answer questions in class, or tell you if you’re wrong to spite you, it’s just that they’re honest and objective. Why would they let you live a lie? Famous Capricorn Risings: Taylor Swift, Megan Fox, Taryn Manning, Lorde

Aquarius Rising is eccentric, individual, and characteristic. They are bored by normal, average things and are drawn to people or hobbies with something special about them. They’re good at keeping interesting conversation, and make people question what they thought they knew. Aquarius Rising doesn’t want to blend into the crowd and let others opinions wash over them, so they always speak their mind, or play devil’s advocate. They’ll be the one to question things or other another view if they feel things are very one-sided. Speaking out for themselves and others, they aren’t afraid to stand up. They may ask questions on the behalf of others, or call people out for behaviour they don’t agree with. Famous Aquarius Risings: Barack Obama, David Bowie, Nicki Minaj, Audrey Hepburn

Pisces Rising is sweet, sympathetic, and naive. These people like to put emotions into everything, rather than look at them logically. They often try to see how others feel or look at things, but may not ever truly understand, although this is something they try desperately to do. Like Libra Risings, they do enjoy keeping peace and thus try their best to be polite, but like Leo Risings, drama can often follow them due to their ethereal sweetness. Pisces Rising, whilst usually preferring to remain like an agony aunt or a helpful servant, can also be quite chaotic itself. These people can let the emotions they put into a situation get the best of them, and this can cause them to be petty or more gossipy than their usual positive selves. Famous Pisces Risings: Michael Jackson, George Clooney, Demi Moore, Whitney Houston

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An Aquarius Rising writing about western astrology

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